Saturday, July 12, 2008


And staying that way for all my days off.
I went back to work for 2, and am off again for 6. Thank you shift work, there is a big advantage to doing 12 hour days.
I talked to Mom last night and she got back safe and sound. And that trip went well despite obviously being a sad occasion. No mention of photos according to her.
Fred and Christine will be here Wed. and we're looking forward to seeing them.
I felt very pleased with myself for talking with a co-worker, who I suspected was being condescending and/or passive aggressive. I approached him and talked with him about it. He said that no, no that wasn't what he was thinking, and was quite happy to work with me. So at least if that was his not-so-good intention, he will not use those words again. Despite the fact that my stomach tightens and I stutter when doing it, I much prefer to use my words rather than going home and brooding about it. Although I also require much discussion with others about the whole event anyway.
I spent most of my 2 days on the adolescent psych unit, which is uber nice. And since when I'm up there I am doing 1:1 nursing, a pretty easy day, though with great potential to get boring. I didn't feel that way too much this time though. plus they keep telling me they like me up there, which makes for some good ego reassurance.
It seems that while we were gone, floating about the water, that weeds have taken over the yard. How can so many grow when I pulled so many of their brethren out, only a little while ago? I have a mental list of what I need to do on my days off and it seems to keep growing. Go to the dump and get rid of cans of weeds in their compost so that they don't sprout in our yard. Clean out garage, kind of. Who am i kidding-that won't get done. Clean house, grocery shopping, weed, clean siding and windows. Get someone in for window quotes. Do rest of my mental health course. Go to library and meet with librarian--Sarah and I are going to do a presentation to library staff on mental health issues.
This perhaps does not seem like too much to do in 6 days off, but it feels somehow that in the middle of summer, that all i should be doing is laying on the hammock thinking and eating Summer Brings.
Oh, I bought the Nigella cookbook. Made pork chops. they were as good as they sounded.



Blogger Theresa said...

Does your Nigella have the American way of measuring? I've got to get a list of equivalents, darned if I'm going to weigh my flour.
Grace has been having Nigella smoothies all week for breakfast.

12:22 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

No, could you send it to me?
I'm not going to weigh either!

12:45 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

NO, I can't send it, I have the British way. But Jude's book is American.

2:37 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Oh, thought you *had* the equivalents. I am going to find equivalents on net then.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Judith said...

My book is in with the bedding Theresa, so if you want to pull it out you could makes notes in yours.

6:47 AM  

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