Tuesday, July 26, 2016

House Sitting

Had another extended stay in Edmonton, hanging out at Allison's to look after Magda and Olive while she was in Iceland. As usual when I have lots of time I met with various family and friends to catch up with what is new and exciting with their lives. Mine being pretty boring I have to live vicariously through them. Went to visit George and Kay one afternoon and they had just gotten a new TV, so after I visited a bit, I set it up for them. Uncle George was very impressed with my abilities. Made me feel good as I think it takes a lot to impress a 90 year old. As luck would have it Nancy was also in town, for the Jelich family reunion so one night I had supper with her, Marylynn and Deanna. All three of them are going to Portugal for a couple of weeks in the fall, Deanna's first time to Europe.

I also went to the Telus World of Science to see the Sherlock Holmes exhibit. It was really interesting. Lots of information about the period Conan Doyle lived in, even some old film of him. There was also quite a bit about the various movies and TV shows. The exhibit was originally at the City of London Museum, and this is the only Canadian stop.

When I left Allison's to catch my bus back to Red Deer I decided to treat myself and take a cab to the Red Arrow ticket office. As I was chatting with the driver about all the road construction in Allison's neighborhood, I also mentioned that it was the Kdays parade that morning. Apparently that meant nothing to the driver, because he ended up getting stuck in traffic, and I had to direct him to a route to take. Even then he argued with me about how to get to Red Arrow, he had no idea the traffic was blocked off or what the parade route was. When we finally got there, I told him I did not think I should have to pay the amount on the meter, since he did not listen to me. He did not think that was fair, but I stood my ground and got a reduced rate. I would have been willing to pay a bit more, because of delays if he had listened to me, because then we would have gone the most direct route.

Theresa and Geoff picked me up in Red Deer, and I was happy to get home.


Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Well done!

10:00 PM  
Blogger Laura Long said...

Go Judith!

4:42 AM  

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