Sunday, November 30, 2014

Grey Cup

It's Lisa, posting as Mom, so I don't mess up her log in. Also can't remember my password to log in here.

Cold here too, but not like the prairies of course. Still we find  -18 uncomfortable. It's a damp cold.
I transcribed interview most of day and came over a little while ago-Mom and Richard are watching Grey Cup.
I say, um, a lot and repeat words when asking questions.
Also interesting is I notice a slight change in how I speak when interviewing others-I kind of adapt to their style slightly.

Richard and I are both cheering for Hamilton, Mom is cheering for Calgary.

I have enough participants for my data-2 more interviews to go-and many more hours after that.
Did I mention that I will not be doing another degree after this one?

BCSS had a fundraiser yesterday, I felt like Geoff buying the Christmas tree. Except was not the company credit card. It seems I bought some Christmas gifts I had not planned. I guess I get a charitable tax receipt? I won't disclose how much I spent, except that it was quite a bit more than I had planned and that I won in both the live auction and 2 items that I had forgotten about in the silent one.

RW and I went to a chi-chi Christmas fair today-crowded with hipsters and wealthy Kelown-ites. I hope we are not turning into pretentious twits?

Nick seems to be better, though not sure for how long. If I don't chase him around forcing meds down his throat, he seems better. Though will need to get some more appetite stimulant for him. It's actually an antidepressant-Remeron/mirtazepine. He only seems to eat treats however and even then, we keep having to find other things he'll eat-we've been through: canned cat food, canned tuna and salmon, chicken breast, and prosciutto.

Poor Sebastian wonders why we lock him up in the bedroom , while Nick gets to eat anything he wants and we coax him along.

We're rolling along. Went to see Catching Fire last night. Not bad. But I think the Hobbit will be better.


Blogger bethsivak said...

My team won - whoo

It sure feels cold, but after talking to GP and Ft St John, its practically balmy I think

7:05 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

You caused Geoff to have a flashback.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Thinking of you while teaching myself to write qualitative papers! Luckily someone else did the transcribing.

4:07 PM  

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