Sunday, April 07, 2013


Filing taxes. We got a bit of return this year.
It was chilly outside and I couldn't force myself to go out and do yardwork in the misty rain, so got taxes done early. Usually it is end of April before I seem to get around to them. Although using a computer program makes it a whole lot quicker than doing by hand.
Cats are sleeping on couch on blankets, I just turned up the heat in here-it's 6 degrees out there, but it feels colder than that.
Spring. Last weekend we had all the windows open and were sitting on the deck.
Am looking forward to our vacation soon! It won't be warm in Oregon, but we will stay in places with hot tubs! At least this is my plan.
I think will need to buy a map-I wonder if we have one around here with the western states?
hmm, what else new?
Met up with Leanne-she moved to the island 7 years ago I think? It was quite a good visit-went for brunch. was a bit weird as we had disconnected when she and Joe split up, but she has not really changed, except I think she is more (to use a cliche) grounded.
Meeting up with some other friends this week too. I feel like when I am taking classes, it is all I can do to work and go to school. and do a few other things. but seeing people is not necessarily high on that list.
You know, thinking about it-I have been in school a lot. Got my degree, then did a certificate in mental health nursing, then started my masters. Why do I keep doing this?


Blogger Allison said...

I do it too. Part interest, part the feeling that I should always be doing something productive. And it's not like I'm going to clean my house.

7:24 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Since I am not in class at the moment, I cleaned mine on sat. It was a good feeling.

6:16 AM  

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