Monday, November 12, 2012

The Winter of My Discontent

I'm not really discontented. But I am very tired these days. I am winding down at work, and trying to keep myself rolling with my readings, as I prepare for my comprehensive exams. They start on December 10, and go for either 7 or 10 days, and I'll write 5-6 essays during that time. But it's open book, working at home. My friend Tami, who got her doctorate a couple years ago, said that it was all about information management, rather than memorizing -- so knowing where you can get more information or quotes -- so good note-taking and binder-filling. No binders of women! Just information!

I've done the storybook recordings at the prison three times in the last 2 months, and do it once more at the end of this month. Although when I went on Saturday, I brought two big bags of christmas picture books for inmates, and I had done lots of errands on the way there, and then once I got in, I realized I forgot my laptop for doing the actual recording. ugh.

I've also been cooking a lot. I'm endeavouring to use all the vegetables from my vegetable delivery box, rather than just letting some of them go bad and guiltily putting them in the compost. So I made roasted fennel and eggplant and roasted pumpkin soup. Vegetables I do not normally understand!

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Blogger Theresa said...

Just reading about days of exams and five or six essays makes ME feel tired.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Yuck. This sort of thing is why I stuck to the sciences. Hope it goes well!

3:47 PM  

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