Sunday, July 01, 2012

New job; new apartment; Rocky visit; done school; Niagara Falls

It's been around a year since my last FR post (I checked) so perhaps an update is in order.

In December I completed my co-op term in TELUS finance and returned to school for my last semester. Despite having only four courses and one job, I'm pretty sure it was the most demanding one in my post-secondary career. I was taking two of the most difficult senior accounting courses (Advanced Financial Accounting and Corporate Taxation), a database management class, and a consulting project course. Our project was determining the optimal mix of staff to schedule for an oilfield service company. It was a lot of work, but I suppose it was a good experience, although it certainly didn't seem like it at the time. Also, our paper for the project was a finalist for an academic student paper competition. The university sent me and another guy from my group to a conference in Niagara Falls to present it. We didn't win, but on the other hand I got a free trip to Niagara Falls and it was good to get out of the city for a while.

The job was teaching labs again, which I thoroughly enjoy. I'm looking to see if I can teach some computer-based courses on a part-time basis (continuing education courses, possibly) because I miss it.

I graduated in early June. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up back at school in a few years, but for now, I think that's enough of that. It took me five years due to co-op, so I'm in no rush to become a student again.

In May I started a new job at Capital Power. My title is "Power Market Modeling Specialist", which means I'm supposed to develop forecasts to predict the price of power. I'm eventually going to be responsible for handling the Alberta forecast, which for various reasons is the most complex one we do.

I was originally going to move to Calgary to do tax accounting. However, a professor forwarded me the posting for the Capital Power job, which sounded somewhat more interesting than tax accounting, so I applied and ended up getting it. It's very much about data analysis and computer-based modeling - quite far away from my original plan. The pay and benefits are excellent but I'm holding off rendering an opinion on the job itself until I've been there for a while longer.

As Mom previously noted, I was home last weekend for the first time since January, when I was there for less than 24 hours to attend a wedding. Nancy got to meet quite a few of my Rocky friends, and I met Jordan's baby and saw his new place. We went to the cabin (which has a bunch of new furniture, incidentally) and got the canoe out and whatnot.

I'm at AJ's right now; you get kicked out of residence once you're no longer a student, so I moved at the end of April. My friend Ian and I signed a lease for a pretty nice walkup on 118th Street starting today, but I'm planning to move in a couple weeks since AJ is extending her Kelowna visit a little longer.

On a negative note, I went to ride my bike the other day to find out it had been stolen from where I had it locked up. That bike and I have been through a lot together, so I was pretty disappointed.

Rain in Edmonton for Canada Day, but I was at work anyway, so it didn't bother me much. Weather here has been pretty decent so far this summer.


Blogger Allison said...

Crappy about the bike. sniff.

Let me know if you can use some moving help. I have hauled some boxes in my time.

Good of you to give us your annual report!

7:56 PM  
Blogger Will said...

You went to Niagra Falls? Oh the life you lead with out telling anyone.

10:02 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Annual report to shareholders. We enjoyed meeting Nancy. Hope she wasn't overwhelmed by seeing all these new people. And too bad about the bike.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

I guess the big dent I put in your bike doesn't matter now!

11:02 AM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

I guess at least now you are working so can afford a new bike?
I hope whoever stole it ends up up with road rash after a tire blowing.

11:29 AM  

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