Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Graduation week in Kelowna

Lisa's big week is over and so everyone has gone home or back to work or school, as the case may be - except me of course, an advantage of retirement.
The grad ceremonies were very nice, I thought - th RN one was maybe a bit long - because Lisa had to be there an hour early, so we had an hours sit before it began - it was in a church auditorium and luckily there were padded seats ( Jude and Al took books, but I just watched people)' The deal was quite warm and personal and enjoyed it. The UBCO affair included arts, fine arts, ed and social work as well as nursing, so thought it might be pretty lengthy but it was well organized and went quickly - the speakers were all excellent too. Aafter the business there we all came back here and had champagne, steaK AND CAKE - celebrating Jude and Al's b'days, the grad girl and Richards award. Poor Richard is in the middle of finals and had to keep running home to cram. All in all, it was a nice week and we all seemed to enjoy it.
Laura called last night and she isn't able to go houseboating after all - for several reasons, all connected with the move - she is very disappointed, but says she just can't manage it. So who ever is down for prducing a meal with her, I will volunteer to help, unless there are 3 on another breakfast - Lisa will let me know. The Longs bought that house and are very please with it, but theirs has not sold yet in SL. It has been a pretty stressful time for her - moving is really a pain, but work is going well she said.
It's been a bit cool here - both sun and clouds an some rain (but no hail, TBTG) I need to get out and weed and prune before the big boat trip. Am hoping it stays under 30 as it's so much easier to work when it's not sizzling!

Have a good week everyone!

Love from mom


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