Sunday, June 10, 2007


I wrote my RN exam this week, and graduated. Well, I actually graduated at the end of April, but had the ceremonies this week. 2, which may be one too many. I actually preferred the UBC-O one, as compared to the strictly nursing one, as I felt the nursing one went on for too long. I felt like shouting 'let's wrap this up then'. I may be the only nursing student who thought that, but would not have been the only person there who shared that opinion though. Plus, my nose was out of joint, I'll explain on the houseboat, just in case anyone else is reading this. The walls have ears.

It was awesome to have Jude and Al here. The 2 of them, and Richard and Mom cheerfully attended both ceremonies. Al, Jude, and I also went for respective massage and pedicures yesterday, which was ever so nice. And Jude, Al, and I each bought a pair of shoes over the weekend. Naturally. I'm wearing them right now, with my nightie on. Breaking them in.

Jude downloaded the pictures from Newfoundland and my grad onto Mom's computer, so next time i am there, I'll post some for all to see!

Exam was exhausting, 8 hours, excluding lunch. It felt like getting onto an Air Israel flight. Only clear waterbottles, escorted to the bathroom (par for the course in finals), but they asked someone to give them her headband while she was in the bathroom? Only pencils, and unwrapped erasers in the exam, no kleenex, gum wrappers, etc. And couldn't have jackets/sweaters on back of chairs, either wearing them, or underneath the seat. And one person came into the exam from lunch with a sandwich, she had to open it up and show them there was no contraband in it. Though how you would cheat on it, I don't know, as they were all questions like: You walk into a room and someone is showing X medical condition...4 options, all of which you'd do, within in seconds of each other, but there is one that is just the smallest bit more imperative. I prepared my self to feel ambivalent after 'who knows how I did?', so did not feel badly after, just very highstrung and worn out.

Richard is worn out too, but still has finals to write! That massage therapy school is high maintenance. He is reaalllyy looking forward to having some time off.

And Richard got the leadership award for his year!!!! I am very proud of him! He gets his name on the plaque which is up at the school and some money.


Blogger Theresa said...

Congrats, Lisa.
How did Jude have Newfoundland pictures?
We just had a huge hailstorm. My lettuce looks pretty sad.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Congratulations to both of you!!

I do NOT miss exam stress. Yuck.

3:23 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Pictures were on Jude's camera, Al borrowed it for the trip

4:49 PM  

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