Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 I guess our travelling is not quite done. We went to Truro on Monday to look after the boys while Will and Allie attended a conference. They left Monday morning and we followed on the afternoon after picking Sim up from school. We had a good time with the boys on Tuesday. The weather was good so we spent most of the day outside. We went to one of the best playgrounds I have ever been to, called the Fundy Discover Site. Among other things it has a large sandy area with a working water pump and lots of shovels and pots for water play. The boys both had a great time there.

Since we were there for childcare, the diocese covered our room and meals - a pretty good deal for us,  and we didn't even have to put the kids to bed, their parents did that. We came back early this morning to get Sim to school.

It's so good to see the boys. Owen has changed so much since we saw him last. He's toddling everywhere and talking all the time.

It's hot here today and supposed to be hotter tomorrow. It feels almost tropical with the humidity. I'm not complaining - frost warnings in Rocky, Jude had to cover the plants.

This is a very busy household. Both Will and Allie are off to meetings again tomorrow, but we will stay here this time. On Friday there is a community supper that Will and Allie coordinate.




Blogger Judith said...

Those boys are adorable!!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

good action shot.

Is it really green / lush there with the heat & humidity? Garden photos, if you don't mind.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

It is really green and lush with lots of blooms. The vegetables gardens have just been planted - that's how they do it here, their garden season goes on into October.

4:08 PM  

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