Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sault Ste. Marie 2

 We knew we had a long drive today, but we didn't leave till noon because we wanted to see the locks that made it possible for ships to pass between Lake Superior and Lake Huron. It's a national historic site and we just happened to bring our parks pass with us. It was very interesting - we do like to see industrial things. And now I know how locks work. The picture is of a movable dam that was made in case there was an accident in the locks. The bridge was made by Dominion Bridge, which was the first place I worked in Edmonton. The plant was about where Stephanie and Rem live now. The bridge was made in Montreal.

Eight-hour drive today. There was lots of slowing down for little towns along the highway, but again roads were good with lots of passing lanes. Still mostly trees and water with just a few fields. And lots of the ditches have lupine blooming in them, just beautiful!

We are staying in the nicest motel outside of Pettawaw. It looks like the usual roadside motel on the outside, but the room is so nice and updated. We have passed many motels and I always assume that they are grungy. Found this one on Expedia.

Tomorrow another long drive to Quebec City. We will stay there two night.s


Blogger Sam F said...

There's a pretty big army base outside Pettawawa.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Yes, we drove through Pettawa and onto the base by mistake. There was an army checkstop there and a nice fellow in uniform guided to the right road

6:53 PM  

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