Saturday, January 03, 2009


Just wanted to say that I made it safe to Guelph! Mom and dad drove me to the airport, which was excellent, and also I got a chance to say goodbye. I got randomly selected for the ol' patdown while going through security and thought I might be late for the flight, but ended up being just on time. There was a squalling baby and the entertainment system didn't work for the first half-hour, but after that I entertained myself watching tv shows I didn't know existed. Shows how much attention I pay.

There didn't seem to be any luggage trolleys in the Toronto airport, so I ended up dragging my stuff across the floor all the way along the airport. However, once that ordeal was over the Red Car company picked me up and drove me all the way to the B&B! It isn't even a B&B, really - it's an older lady who tried to sell her house and couldn't, so she just started taking in students. Some live here permanently and some, like me, are just here while looking for something else. She is really nice and gave me homemade peppermint tea. I am totally exhausted, but did manage to find a wireless connection...

So here we go again, in another city where I don't know anyone! So far, so good, though...

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Blogger Judith said...

Glad you got there safe and sound Anne, good luck with the house hunt, and work.

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the pat-down routine. I think they pick on people that won't put up a big fuss. Glad to hear you are safe--Good house hunting& Happy New Year!
the alexanders

2:13 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

How did the house hunting go today?

9:30 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

No luck so far. One (or possibly two) more today. Wish I didn't have a deadline of having to be out of the B&B, though...

6:12 AM  

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