Thursday, January 01, 2009

So this is what 2009 looks like.
To me, New Year's Day is like one of those bonus holidays. It's not a big deal to me, but I get the day off work anyway, and there's no big celebration or anything to prepare for. I thought I was going to be in bed by 10:30 last night but Will's friend Tanya came over and we played games until 12:30. When you have a guest you are able somehow to rouse yourself out of your torpor. At midnight Geoff phoned Grace and Tim and we sang Auld Lang Syne to them. Actually Geoff was on the phone quite a bit last night, we talked to Barb and Dick.
Today was quiet once Anne left. She was packing to leave today for Edmonton and was getting stressed but it all got done. Will and Grace drove her to Red Deer to catch the Red Arrow and she will stay at Steph and Rem's until Saturday. We are taking the kids back to the city on Saturday so will pick her up and take her to the airport. She has appointments to see apartments in Guelph and a reservation and a bed and breakfast till she finds something. So things are rolling right along for her.
So happy new year, everyone.


Blogger bethsivak said...

happy new year to all in Rocky~!!
my company just ledt - the Wensinks. Al and her friend Annie came for supper and we threw in my b'day while we were at it = a very nice time.
yesterday was a good day too - dinner at the wensinks plus got a parcel from Anne - thank you so much, it was just great to get your thesus all bound beautifully and was touched by being mentioned in the forward - good luck in Guelph.
Also the book of badgers came from Lisa and its really neat - bringing back great memories of our trip.
time to go to bed - us old ladies get weary after a week or 10 days of celebration!!

love to all

8:38 PM  

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