Friday, April 04, 2008

Photos on their way & Other News!

I created a Flickr account this morning, and uploaded a bunch of photos at random, and they turned out to be mostly dad's photos of mom and I looking cross because he kept posing us in front of street signs. Will go back and sort and label them soon, I promise. Lisa, how do you link to your Flickr photos from the blog?

In other news.... my supervisor called me yesterday (while grocery shopping!) and astounded me by saying she thinks she has funding for me at Bangor! To catch everyone up, I have guaranteed PhD funding at Guelph Uni, but I have to let them know by April 15 whether I'm taking it or not. I had hoped to stay here as Jane's an excellent supervisor, but the money thing did not look like it would work out (ie. there was no funding available). But it looks like Jane may have sorted things once again...

I don't have the paper in my hand and haven't seen how much they're proposing to give me, but things are definitely looking up. And if the Bangor funding doesn't come through, I will go to Guelph with good grace and either way it should work out fine.

Mom and dad, if you're checking this please let me know where you are! Haven't heard a word since Saturday. Hope the travels are going well.


Blogger Judith said...

Anne, that is great news, talk about just coming in under the wire. Maybe those of us who were unable to make this trip will be able to visit you in Bangor at a later date.

6:03 AM  
Blogger bethsivak said...

Hey Anne - how exciting to have everything coming together - oes look like Bangor will fly, which is great as its your 1st choice.
Want to thank you and also Liam for your great hospitality in Wales and also for your good compaNY on the rest of the trip - am so glad I went, it was very enjoyable. Its good to be home tho' in spite of everything there are 2 things you miss from home - your bed and your bathtub! The trip home was pretty long and am finally getting over the jet lag.
Again, Anne - congrats

11:29 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Wow, Anne. Everyone here we talked to you about (especially Peter) said that Commonwealth people should be able to get visas before these upstart EU people who can't even speak the language, etc. And Margaret (Aileen's sister) said that if you needed a sponsor to stay here, she would do it.
So what are you going to do? Or need I ask?

12:11 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

Very exciting Anne!
I'm pleased for you.
And so we can come again to visit!

1:23 PM  
Blogger lisaandrichard said...

To link on the flicker, I just put in a hyperlink with the tab on the posting window and cut and paste the flicker http.
does this make sense?
if not send me the http for your flicker and I can do it for you.

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Anne! I'm sure either Bangor or Guelph will be wonderful. If you stay in Wales longer we too might be able to come and visit!
Betty Anne

5:42 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Thanks guys! I am on tenterhooks this week. Jane has said it may be Wednesday before they get the Bangor deal to me in writing (or not, I suppose). I would REALLY like to work with the guy in Guelph but I REALLY like working with Jane, so it is a tough decision... but not so tough as Wales has more castles than Ontario! Would be really nice to just have a decision made...

3:22 AM  

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